News Archives For April 2004
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We've had an exciting week leading up to our Empty Bottle debut last night. First of all, thanks to everyone who made it out on a Monday night. We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did - both All City Affairs and Beauty Pill played a great set.
If you missed it, Canasta was popping up all over the place late last week. On Thursday night we discovered two write ups: one in Monica Kendrick's Spot Check column in the Chicago Reader, the other in The Onion. Then, on Sunday night, we were surprised to hear from a few people that "Slow Down Chicago" was played on WXRT's Local Anesthetic. Unfortunately, we missed the show. If your song gets radio play and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Certainly, so let us know if you listened in - we're curious about what was said.
Lastly, as we mentioned at the show, we're nearing the sale of our 500th copy of Find the Time and have a prize in store for the lucky person who purchases it! We didn't hit the goal at the show, but we're very close. The offer still stands, so if you haven't already, now is the time to pick one up.
We're pretty excited about the upcoming Empty Bottle show: just 10 days away! Did we mention that Beauty Pill is on Dischord, along with punk legends Fugazi? They're visiting from DC, they have a sound that matches up nicely with ours, and certainly worth checking out. Plus, we'll be debuting another previously unheard song so be sure to get there on time for our opening set.
We've also been digging in for the approaching summer. We've lined up a new rehearsal space and secured a few shows we'll be announcing in the coming weeks. Be sure to keep an eye out for us at an outdoor street festival, our Martyrs' debut, and a return to Sub-T.
If you've missed Canasta in the last few months, April is your chance to get your fix. In addition to the show last weekend, we couldn't turn down an opportunity to play at The Empty Bottle later this month (just a few weeks away!) with Beauty Pill and All City Affairs. And if the Bottom Lounge proved to be too late or too pricey for your taste, you'll like this show: its free and we're on first at 9:30pm. Hope to see you on the 26th!