CANASTA - Reminder: "Guinness Oyster Fest" - This Sun. @ 2:15pm (in Roscoe Village)!
(sent on 2012-09-14)
Regulators, mount up…
My, how time flies! Sadly, it’s already September and the legendary Chicago summer festival season is winding down. For Canasta, however, the train keeps on rollin’. We’ve been hard at work cranking out new material, we had a blast at the “Square Roots Fest” back in July AND just a few weeks back, Canasta celebrated another wedding as our keyboard whiz, Ryan Tracy, got married! Now it’s time to strap-up yet again and take the stage to close out the summer with a bang! This Sunday, Sept. 16th, Canasta - and the world-famous Canasty Horns - will once again take the stage at the “Guinness Oyster Fest” in Roscoe Village! We first played it six years ago, but we’re coming back for seconds. We’ll handle the rockin’, you guys just cover the schuckin’ and drinkin’! We’ll strike our first chord at 2:15 on the Main Stage at Roscoe & Leavitt. Not sure about yours, but my week was a looooong one, so mentally, I think I’ll start heading over there right now… cool?
@ Roscoe St. & Leavitt St.
(Chicago, IL)
“Guinness Oyster Fest”
featuring Canasta
with Trippin' Billies, Lowdown Brass Band,
AM Taxi, The Chancey Brothers and More
Gates - 11 AM / Show - Noon / Canasta - 2:15 PM (Main Stage)
Suggest Donation - $7 / All ages
Proceeds benefit the Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce