(sent on 2013-07-22)
For those of you who love this city, along with the beer, food, music and art it spawns,
let Canasta be your afternoon jam this Saturday…
At 1:30 pm tomorrow (Sat. 9/21), Canasta plays the inaugural
“Andersonville City Made Fest”,
which is the City of Chicago’s
first ever local-only festival! Featuring an array of Chicago-based brewers,
restaurateurs, retailers, artisans, artists and musicians, this new festival is a celebration
of all of the great stuff being made
right here in our backyards. And unlike other craft brew fests, the structure of this event
will allow for the showcasing of even the smallest scale brewers on a grand
stage. So you'll have access to some of the area’s best home-brewers as well as local
breweries making some of the best beers in the nation,
including Revolution, Lagunitas, Metropolitan, Finch’s, Off Color,
Begyle, Hamburger Mary’s, 4Paws, Ale Syndicate and Lake Effect!
The fest takes place on Clark St., between Argyle & Carmen. But the music,
specifically, is happening in the parking lot at
5022 N. Clark St.… DO IT!
“Andersonville City Made Fest”
@ 5022 N. Clark St. Parking Lot
(Chicago, IL)
Psalm One, Furious Frank, Funkadesi, Lightfoils,
an ALL-LOCAL line-up of brewers,
restaurateurs, retailers, artisans and artists!
$5 Suggested Donation / All Ages
Gates 11 AM / Show - Noon / Canasta - 1:30 PM
Presented by Andersonville Development Corporation
![City Made Fest](